Data Explorer
API Explorer
Legendary Engram
Item: Focused Umbral Engram
Magic Wand
Item: Emote
Outcast Rubric
Ruinscribe's Beacon
High-Minded Complex
Item: Gauntlets
Pacific Deception
Item: Vehicle
In any Crucible playlist, defeat opponents with Arc damage.
Item: Dummy Titan Mark
The Xûrfboard
Floss Dance
Item: Emote
Lost Pacific Helm
Enhanced Heavy Lifting
Imponent III
Breach Refractor
Soccer Club Set
Item: Dummy item
Forging an Ingot: Class Item
Item: Quest Step
Iron Fellowship Bond
Item: Warlock Bond
Vying for Supremacy
Item: Quest Step
Illicit Invader Strides
Item: Leg Armor
Specimen ID: NES003
Item: Quest Step
And Out Fly the Wolves
Item: Quest Step
Item: Auto Rifle
Legacy's Oath Plate
Item: Dummy Chest Armor
Biting Winds
Item: Dummy Combat Bow
Eater of Worlds Ornament
Item: Armor Ornament
Winterhart Mask
Item: Helmet
Refreshing Pickups
Item: Artifact Perk
Illicit Reaper Boots
Item: Leg Armor
Vigil of Heroes
Item: Chest Armor
Deprecated Armor Mod
Item: Deprecated Armor Mod
Whisper of the Worm
Mind Shard
Resonant Synergy
Restless Slumber
Item: Quest Step
Opalized Nobility
Item: Weapon Ornament
The Technocrat
Item: Quest Step
Armor Energy Capacity
Enriching Powder
Item: Seasonal Currency
Rite of Refusal
Item: Warlock Bond
Iron Truage Boots
Item: Leg Armor
Crow's Nest
Bottomless Bounty II
Armory Forged Shell
Item: Ghost Shell
Of Earth and the Reef
Wall-Watcher Cover
Item: Helmet
Viperidax Gauntlets
Item: Gauntlets
Chapter 19
Opulent Scholar Bond
Item: Warlock Bond
Europa – 5
Item: Dummy Lore
Tidal Dawn
Item: Ship
Upgrading Your Ghost
Righteous Strides
Item: Leg Armor
Item: Trait
Neoteric Kiyot Mask
Painted Kitsune Bond
Legacy's Oath Cloak
Small XP Boost
Item: Dummy Seasonal Bonus
Nezarec's Whisper
Item: Glaive
Fang of Xivu Arath
Something New
Item: Hand Cannon
Wolf's Clothing
Item: Quest Step
Green Beam
Compass Rose
Item: Shotgun
Electronica Shell
Item: Ghost Shell
Abyss Defiant
Item: Dummy Auto Rifle
Solar Damage Resistance
Solstice Greaves (Renewed)
Item: Leg Armor
True Glory
Vor Pyl VIII
Item: Ship
4: Moths to Flame Part I
A Glowing Solstice
Item: Quest Step
Destabilizing Rounds
Item: Enhanced Trait
Item: Combat Bow Pattern
Down to Business
Item: Weapon Ornament
Nightfall: Will of the Thousands: Normal
Team Striker
Legendary Engram
Item: Focused Umbral Engram
Bad Beat
Iron Symmachy Gloves
Item: Gauntlets
Insight Vikti Boots
Item: Leg Armor
Item: Deprecated Perk
Iron Engram
Item: Engram
Tyranny of Heaven
Item: Dummy Combat Bow
Luminous Vigil
Item: Emote
Blanka Helmet
Guardian Games: Competitive Nightfall: Advanced
Rogue Network
Item: Quest Step
Item: Quest Step
Slow-Loading Runner
Item: Dummy Corrupted Boon
Armor Synthesis Unlocked
Item: Dummy item
Item: Glaive
Item: Quest Step
Bolstering Detonation
Item: Arms Armor Mod
Neoptolemus II
Gone to Ground
Opulent Scholar Gloves
Item: Gauntlets
The Final Shape Campaign
Dark Waters
Item: Weapon Ornament

No name 132624528 DestinyUnlockDefinition


Firebreak Field 4150041854 DestinyInventoryItemDefinition

Walls were never enough to guard us. We needed to strike first.


Playlists 500105683 DestinyTraitDefinition

Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit quests.


Thrilladrome Solo Mastery 1364118393 DestinyRecordDefinition

Complete the Thrilladrome Lost Sector on Master difficulty, without a fireteam.


Chapter 6 – Beguiled 3230019576 DestinyLoreDefinition

The condensation from the air vent dripped in a near-perfect 4/4 time signature, a slow metronome, behind Brother Vance's shoulder. He nodded to the rhythm while he waited. "She'll see you now." He felt more like a prisoner than an esteemed guest, but he also considered how rare the audience he'd garnered was. Vance expected the red carpet, or whatever the Awoken equivalent of that is, to be rolled out for him. The information he'd amassed would surely warrant such pomp and circumstance. Perhaps after their conversation the tone would shift. How could it not? The Queen's Paladins escorted Brother Vance through the Reef's interconnected tunnels. It was musky and due for a cleaning as far as his nose could observe. He always took note of the paths he'd traveled, a useful device in case of a need of escape. Two rights, a left, a doorway, a long hallway, six stairs, and another doorway. The air here was much clearer than Mercury; probably filtered, he assumed. "The Queen of the Reef, Her Majesty, Mara Sov." Announced one of the Paladins in a rather boisterous manner. There were others in the room, Vance noted. "My lady." Vance said, paying her the obeisance he felt she deserved, genuflecting before her grace. "Speak," she commanded. Was he a dog to her? "I was hoping this would be more of a conversation than a presentation." Vance replied. He felt this was already off on the wrong foot. "I do not have time to converse. Do you have something for me or not?" "I have a great many things. Truths that must be acknowledged with ramifications reaching far beyond these walls. It requires your extraordinary insight." "Then speak." Vance curled his lip and let out a low sigh. "You seek something in return?" Queen Mara, perceptive as always. "I do. The information I have is extremely sensitive and I ask the room be cleared until we've spoken." Queen Mara considered this, put her hand up, and locked eyes with Petra for a second. The room cleared out. "We are alone. Say what you came to say." "I've discovered something quite disturbing, yet wholly revelatory. As you know, we've been running the Trials for some time now. On Mercury there exists a spire, one of many, that we've called the Lighthouse. Inside, a two-toned note resonates whenever Guardian death occurs. It's a strange and almost imperceptible sound, but I hear it as clearly as I hear your voice today. The tone tells me…" "…that Guardians have dangerous potential within them." "My Queen…" "Why do you think I allow you to stay here? You believe you have occupied my Reef without my knowledge of the studies you conduct?" "How did you…" Vance was awestruck. "We know this truth. We are Awoken. We are balance. Brother Vance, I would advise you to finish up your Trials with a defter hand and to destroy all records of your findings. You've stumbled onto something too grand in scale for your comprehension. Keep this to yourself." Brother Vance's head hung low, and his shoulders slumped. "You know everything, and yet I have learned nothing beyond what I came here with. I would like some clarity." Queen Mara looked over Vance. While she didn't feel compassion toward him, his situation was unfortunate. "Come closer." Vance's head slowly returned upright. Did he hear her correctly? "Closer, I said." Vance took several steps up to her throne. The air around Mara seemed to shift—it was more elegant, crisp upon his tongue. Her words carried more cleanly through it, somehow. "I cannot offer you any clarity. The Universe will reveal all when the time comes. There is, however, something you can do for me." "Yes, anything." Vance was desperate to get back in her good graces. She leaned in, whispering near his ear. "When you see our friend…"


Renaissance Inventor Set 2070985113 DestinyVendorDefinition

Complete your item set!


Warlock Projection 1200646722 DestinyCollectibleDefinition

Equip this item to change your Ghost's projection.
