Equip this item to change your Ghost's projection.
"I want a name." "Is this because of Sagira? She is a terrible influence on you." "She has a name. People don't just call her 'Ghost.' It's insulting being called 'Ghost.' I'm not a thing. I'm me." "Who are you, then?" "I'm… I don't know. I'm me." "And you want me to define you? That sounds like you're a thing." "You're insufferable, do you know that?" "You didn't have to bring me back." "You know that's not true." "Is it?" "There you go again, Tyra, questioning everything. Treating the entire world like a puzzle that you have to record, and analyze, and put in your files." "I cannot do anything else. If I do not question, do not study, do not learn, I have no purpose. 'Every mind has its own form.'" "You've been reading philosophy again." "Rousseau. Ikora lent me a copy." "Hmmph." "Don't pout, Ghost. It's annoying." "So is being called Ghost. Might as well cover me with a sheet." "Choose your own name. You don't need me to define you." "I will!" … … … "Well? What is your name, Ghost?" "Don't call me Ghost."